Hair Style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself.
~ Hubert de Givenchy, Vogue, July 1985

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hair and Pregnancy

Your hair changes drastically when you're pregnant. Sometimes your hair stylist knows your pregnant , even before you do. Why is this? Because of hormonal fluctuations, your hair texture and color can change. If you had fine, wavy hair prepregnancy, you may a notice a little coarser texture and your hair may seem a little curlier. Your hair color may also become a little darker. Women will also notice that there is not as much hair left on their brush. Because hair follicles hibernate during this time, pregnant women don't shed the normal 100 hairs a day. Much like being on your period. During pregnancy, your hair can be a little resistant to color. Highlights can sometimes take twice as long to lift to the desired color. My clients often ask if it is safe to color their hair during their pregnancy. Evidence suggests that it is probably safe to color your hair during your pregnancy. However It's always best to check with your OB/GYN for the final word. You might want to consider highlights, so that the chemicals have little or no contact with the scalp. Any hair coloring agents absorbed into your system enter through your skin, not through the hair shaft.

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